Some of our top supporting magazines have produced very captivating recaps of Glen Helen Raceway’s 10-Hour Endurance Race sponsored by 3-Bros Racing below…


It all started with an idea, which sparked a question, which landed on receptive ears of guys who were willing to turn the idea into action and see it through to the finish line. The 10-hour Endurance race runs as the second event in the middle a three-race series which features the 6-hour and the 24-hour races. The series is sponsored by 3Brothers and each event runs at the famous Glen Helen facility. The series isn’t new, but prior to this year, I didn’t have the right opportunity to race it. This year, the 3Brothers 10-Hour at Glen Helen began at 4:00pm on Saturday and went until 2:00am Sunday morning.

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The 3 Bros 10 Hours of Glen Helen took place this weekend despite summer heat and pandemics. This year the event was staged as a night race to avoid the heat–most of it was held after sunset. The riders left the line at 4:00 in the afternoon and the checkered flag dropped at 2:00 a.m. That gave all the members of each team enough time to ride in the daylight, familiarize themselves with the eight-mile course and settle in for the night. The course itself was designed to keep the riders off the remote ridges surrounding Glen Helen Raceway. It combined the National course, the REM track, the Lucas Oil Stadium truck track as well as incorporating a tricky pavement section around the San Manuel Amphitheater. There was no escaping the fact that summer is dust season in Southern California. The Glen Helen staff watered sections of the curse repeatedly during the race, but invariably, there were dry sections.

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